Wednesday, December 17, 2014

We get back to California and have to live on the boat. I knew this was coming I just didn't expect a hurricane the first night. Luckily Oliver slept and it wasn't raining yet as we walked to the boat after getting home from the airport. However, the storm did wake me up in the middle of the night multiple times. I was just glad we weren't anchored anywhere. I think the winds got up to 60 mph that night…welcome to living aboard.
Sleeping isn't so bad but if I need to sleep after work it is hard because there is only one space essentially. 
I haven't even tried cooking, it just seems like too much work. I don't know why I am am making such a big deal out of it, I have cooked on it before, but that was just when we were living on it for a few days now it is all the time and there is way too much stuff in such a small space, it feels terrible. I mean I woke up today and there is like one spot to sit and the rest is covered in bags and clothes from our trip back to Minnesota. Sure I could put it away if there was a place to put it. There is no room, this sucks. Paul had the main part of the boat cleaned out when we got back but that was only because he stuffed shit everywhere without paying too much attention to what it was. I have asked for multiple things and he has no idea where he put them. I knew this would happen but it is still awful. I worked the first 2 nights we were back so hopefully after sleeping some today I will be able to go through it some and make it more comfortable but not suffocating. I don't know how people do this. I mean I haven't read extensively but I have read quite a bit and people just make it seem like they sell all their stuff and go happily saying. That is definitely not what is happening in our case. Moving was a b, just trying to decide what to bring, what to store and what to get rid of was awful. Then moving onto the boat and remember it also rained the whole time, was exhausting and a cluster f. Now it was picked up but only for show and it's not even picked up anymore. I feel like nothing will ever be able to be out of place if we want to live a semi decent life on it. It is just too small of a space to have any sort of mess let alone simultaneous messes happening without wanting to set the thing on fire and walk away. 
Diane and I go skydiving next weekend maybe I will break a leg and then I won't have to go sailing, JUST KIDDING, I want to go it just all seems like too much right now. We have a lot to do and I have a lot to learn in the next few weeks. I know we can do it I am just not really looking forward to it. 
I can already tell I have been eating worse the last few days, from going out to eat, I am just not ready to live this way. It definitely had to be forced or I would have never done this. Poor Oliver told me when we pulled up yesterday he wanted to go home and not to the boat. I am sure he is thinking about our old apartment. I told him I did too but this was our home now so we have to make the best of it and by that I meant we could eat a few chocolates and watch a dvd, it helped us both. 
I don't really know how I am supposed to do cloth diapers I guess wash them at the laundry mat and hang dry them at home or dry them there I don't know besides it has been cloudy and rainy here since we got back and doesn't look like it gets much better this coming week. We definitely did not take into consideration that it may rain all month since we have been in a such a drought the last few years I thought nothing of it. It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't the furthest boat from the parking lot. I mean it is a good 4 minute walk and not with Oliver, that is a grown up pace. I would give you a yardage but I am bad at those types of calculations and I want you to feel bad for me, it's far. Anyways it sucks when it's not raining so when it rains I just want to curse everything. It makes the simplest tasks ten times harder. 
Sometimes I can't get the toilet to flush, just pee, and I straight up don't know what to do and paul is not there and all I can think when the boat starts to rock from some waves is I hope it doesn't spill onto all that stuff that is still on the floor of the bathroom. 

We have no address. Think about that. I mean I have no idea what I am missing in the mail and if I want to order something or someone wants to send me something I have to ask a friend if it would be ok. Sure people don't mind but it is such an extra pain and then I have to go to their house to get the stuff and feel bad for bothering them. Lucky for us we do have great friends who I really think don't mind but you still feel bad asking so much. I keep telling myself I will adjust but right now I just want to keep coming to work so I can just avoid it all, lucky for me I do work a lot this week so that will help me put it off further.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

I swear the only time it rains in Southern California is when we move. I am serious. The last time it actually rained in OC was in February and that was when we moved from Huntington Beach to Long Beach. So not only was I trying to consolidate a small apartment to fit onto an even smaller boat but it rained the whole time. At one point Oliver and I were making a quick trip to drop things off at the boat and I had him in the dock cart, which was already wet from sitting out in the rain, and when we got back to the car I had to strip him down and put on dry clothes because he was soaking wet. Thank goodness it doesn't get that cold here or I would've quit. I took an hour or so in the morning to go through stuff Paul had unloaded the day before to try to put some of it away even though I know we are just going to move everything around again, probably more than once. It is so hard to decide what should go where especially since we will not necessarily take everything we have now with us when we leave, like my scrubs and the iron Paul needs now for his work clothes. So I thought that was bad but by night time the boat had some places where it was floor to ceiling with our stuff. I mean all we could do was cover stuff with tarps and get it there then basically throw it inside and go back for more. Since everything was wet we couldn't go through it or put it on slowly. I hope when we get back it won't be raining but who knows anymore. 
So not only were we trying to move onto the boat but Oliver and I also had to leave the boat by 630 AM to make our flight to Minnesota to go see our friends and family there While there we also have to unload everything (my parents are so graciously letting us store) at their place until we move back (and in with them). I had to pack our bags the day before since I knew I would never be able to find anything if I didn't. As you can see in the pictures below we had a small walk way to inch our way through on the boat. Thank goodness we just had to spend one night on it and I am sure Paul will make some headway while we are gone, he will have to just to live. I am also sure he will misplace stuff that is important to me and have no idea what he did with it, hence the packing and repacking of the boat. We were joking about him trying to help make more room by opening all the chip bags to let the air out. I am glad we talked about that before he really did, kidding but we definitely have different ideas about what is important and what's not.


The only space not filled with stuff

This is our 'home'...count your blessings folks

Oh and we had another guy come and check out the electrical problem, it was an easy fix but still costed us a hundred bucks so with the other guy we have to pay we paid almost $200 to have someone switch a switch that was labeled wrong. Sometimes I wish I just didn't know.
I am very thankful for this opportunity and just had to laugh when Paul thought I just went to sleep after working on the boat and its mess for almost 3 hours.